At Furniture Farm we create our sheepskin footstools and seats from the finest natural materials. These wonderful pets come in a variety of colours and sizes. We are the original and the best.

Anna's Bull has a Make over. He had been attacked by Moths!!!

When Anna , who has had her wee Bull for 16 years, Was really sad and blamed the Family Lab……Please can you help me The dog has pulled all the fur off!

I took the Bull into my studio and he was in a sorry state. On closer inspection I could see some strange evidence of an alternative culprit. It was the tiny Clothes Moth. Mr Bull Looked like he had Male pattern baldiing and in nearly thirty years I have only seen this once before.

Here are the before and after pictures. I did not recover him totally I only did it on the top , everywhere else was still in tact.

I have treated him and made sure their will be no sudden return of the problem.

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Here is Mr Bull Home again after his make over

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Anna looking hopeful with Mr Bull looking not so good.

Anna looking hopeful with Mr Bull looking not so good.

Mustard Lightfoot and Mustard Darkfoot. New Special edition today

A wee pottery blog. Getting ready for the West end Fair in Edinburgh